
Fyracle Developer Kit

Did you download the runtime and Compiere demo and like it? Want to develop with Fyracle? Then buy a Fyracle Developer Kit. The developer kits include the Fyracle build of Firebird, the Java and ODBC connectivity libraries and documentation. All components are prebuilt, tested for mutual compatibility and ready for use.

Developer Kit contents

The run-time and developer kits come both in a Windows version and a Linux version. The Windows kit supports Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP. The Linux version supports any recent Linux distribution. Please note that on Linux the NPTL threading library is not supported for Fyracle 0.8.x.

The install kits are based on the proven BitRock technology. The installers can be used in GUI mode, command line mode and in unattended script mode.

The below table summarises the content of the Fyracle 0.8.11 developer kit and shows the differences with the free run-time kit:

Component Run-time

Version 0.8.11 0.8.11
Firebird 1.5.2 Fyracle Yes Yes
Quickstart Guide Yes Yes
Fyracle Syntax Guide Yes Yes
Native client Yes Yes
Standalone PL/SQL compiler * Yes Yes
JDBStudio for Fyracle No Yes
Full JDBC client, version 1.5.4 No Yes
ODBC client, version 1.2.1 No Yes
Java Programmer's Guide No Yes
O'Reilly SQL Pocket Guide No Yes
O'Reilly PL/SQL Pocket Guide No Yes
*) The PL/SQL compiler in the demo kit is limited to input lines and script files with a maximum length of 500 characters.


The Fyracle 0.8.11 Developer Kit is priced at EUR 49.95 for either the Windows or the Linux kit; this price includes:

  • unlimited deployment of the server and client software within your own organisation
  • use of the development tools and documentation by a single developer
  • free upgrades to the entire 0.8.x series of product releases
If you buy both a Windows and a Linux kit at the same time, the second kit is available at a 50% discount. This package offer is available only if both install kits are bought together, at the same time.

Order Process

When you order a Fyracle developer kit, you will receive a license key file by e-mail. You must download the developer kit itself separately. If you are on a dial-up or unreliable internet link, we strongly recommend that you first download the developer kit and only proceed to buy a license key once you have succesfully downloaded the developer kit itself. The Fyracle 0.8.11 developer kits are available from the below locations:

protocol package size download time (56Kb)
http Windows Developer Kit 10 MB 25 min.
ftp Windows Developer Kit 10 MB 25 min.
protocol package size download time (56Kb)
http Linux Developer Kit 10 MB 25 min.
ftp Linux Developer Kit 10 MB 25 min.


Our electronic ordering process is provided by Share*It, a division of Digital River, Inc. If you have questions about payment options, security and privacy, please visit our Customer Care Center. When you proceed to buy a license you will be transferred to the secure transaction pages of Share*It. At the end of the order process, you will be transferred back to this page.

Please click on the Windows logo below to proceed to buy a license key for the Windows developer kit. You will be offered the opportunity to also buy the Linux developer kit at a 50% discount during the process.

Proceed to buy license key file for the Windows developer kit

Please click on the Linux logo below to proceed to buy a license key for the Linux developer kit. You will be offered the opportunity to also buy the Windows developer kit at a 50% discount during the process.

Proceed to buy license key file for the Linux developer kit