The Fyracle Run-time Kit
The Fyracle Run-time Kit contains a full Firebird
installation and the run-time part of oracle-mode. The
run-time kit does not include the Oracle-mode developer
tools and documentation. If you all you want is too
run a pre-compiled application, the run-time kit is
all you need.
If you want to develop with oracle-mode Firebird,
you need the Fyracle Developer Kit.
This kit includes a GUI tool to modifiy database objects
and a command line PL/SQL compiler, which can also handle
DDL scripts.
You can learn more about Fyracle and the associated
Compiere demo by reading this Fyracle
presentation (PDF document).
To stay informed on the latest developments around
Fyracle, please visit the
Fyracle newsgroup regularly.
Firebird 1.5.2 / Fyracle 0.8.11 for Windows
To install Firebird 1.5 Fyracle, download the
executable file "fyracle-demo-win32-installer.exe".
After downloading, you can run this file, which
will guide you through the install process. The
installer will install the Firebird server as a
Windows service, which is started as part of the
boot process. The installer will also start the
server as part of the install process.
The installer will place two icons on your
desktop, one to run the standard ISQL utility and
one to run the Fyracle PLSQL utility. The program
menu will contain links to the Quick Start Guide
and the uninstaller.
Firebird 1.5.2 / Fyracle 0.8.11 for Linux
To install Firebird 1.5 Fyracle, download the
executable file "fyracle-demo-linux-installer.bin".
After downloading, change the file permissions, so
that you can execute the file. If you start it from
a text-based shell, the installer will lead you through
a text-based install process. If you start it from
within a graphical shell (such as KDE and Gnome), the
installer will use a GUI interface to guide you through
the install process.
The installer will configure the server as a
(x)inet deamon. After the install process has been
completed, the server is available for use.
The installer will place two icons on your
desktop, one to run the standard ISQL utility and
one to run the Fyracle PLSQL utility. You can find PDF
documentation in the subdirectory "doc". You
can find the uninstaller in the main install directory.